Monday, March 23, 2009

'Bertha' Ideas

Okay, first of all this post is generally directed towards a certain someone and after she reads it, I'm probably going to delete it. Here's my idea for the whole Bertha series:
~~We need to re-make the first episode, obviously...(since I deleted it) :D -my bad-. I was thinking the first episode can be of Bertha talking and describing her entire life....For this episode we need a plasic life-sized baby doll (you know what i'm talking about?) so if you have one, COUGH IT UP! =D and if not and you know someone who has one, ask to borrow it. Or i'll just find one someway somehow. BUUUTT...we need it cuz it has to show Bertha as a baby (we have to show her getting thrown at the front door of her new parents' house) I'd have to talk to you more about my other ideas, ut it seems like fun and we need funnier videos on youtube since our best videos are too long =(.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

April Fool's Pranks!

Okay so--April Fool's day is coming up, right? Let's say you want to actually pull off a decent prank this year and you can't come up with anything. Stuck? Well, you could google it (like I did) but today i'm going to give you a few of my ideas for a good prank on April Fools.

1.) Salt on the Toothbrush- Pretty funny--take someone's toothbrush in your family and sprinkle a little salt on it before they brush their teeth.

2.) Upside Down- Find a room in your house and turn everything (or mostly everything) upside down.

3.) Switchin' Some Cereal- Remove the bags of cereal out of every cereal box in your house and switch them around. So when they think they're about to eat Special K--they're really gonna get Captain Crunch! (or any cereal of your choice. lol)

4.) Toilet Paper Prank- Get a marker and unroll the toilet paper in one bathroom. Write some goofy message on it that lasts a longgg time. :)

5.) Balloon Gag- This may take a while, but blow up tons of balloons and stuff them in the victim's car

6.) Alarm Clock- change the time of your victim's clock to two hours earlier or two hours later while they're sleeping, so when they wake up they're in for a surprise.

7.) Prank That Requires No Work- Just tell the victim you're plotting an april fool's day joke on them--then do nothing at all. It'll drive them crazy all day trying to figure out what you're going to do

8.) Shoes- Tie the shoelaces of all of your victim's shoes together and watch as they discover it.

9.) Slippery Door- Squirt some liquid soap onto the door knob of the victim's door. Then watch as they try to open it.

10.) Room T'Ped- This one's easy--just T'P the victim's room! But know that you'll probably be the one who has the clean up the mess ;)

~Well there ya have it! Just a few clever April Fools Day pranks for you incase you're ready to pull one on somebody. HAVE FUN!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

My New Favorite Female Singer!!

Lol, Okay you guys. I have officially fallen in love with Beyonce's music. HANDS DOWN....I love her songs. My current favorite one right now is: HALO! OMG, if you haven't even heard this song yet, you need it. It's so pretty and it's stuck in my head all the time. And of course, Single Ladies...i'm attempting to learn the dance and failing at it. My friend knows the entire thing. And then I also like Diva and If I Were a Boy. Even some of her old songs like Irreplaceable...BUTTTT....mostly I just wanted to make this post to tell you how great Halo is. My FaVoRiTe SoNg RiGhT nOw!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chris Brown and Rihanna?!

Well, hi again everybody! Happy Thursday! I just thought that i'd make a little post here today discussing the Chris Brown/Rihanna situation. What do ya'll think of it?! Hopefully we all know what happend; if you don't--look it up. Personally, I've always hated Chris Brown...just an opinion of mine. I liked a few of his songs but I LOVE Rihanna's music...but i'm not so sure of her anymore after taking Chris Brown back. I mean, SERIOUSLY?! He's just gonna beat her up again!! Leave comments and tell me what you think of this!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


OK, so if any of you know me then you probably know that my favorite store to shop at for clothes is now officially Kohl's. I just LOVE their clothes...they have a bunch of nice, dressy outfits and I rencently just blew all of my money on outfits there :) Lol, I got these really cute tank tops there followed by a lot of other clothes. I'll post some pictures for you of the stuff that I have from there. Here's one outfit that's really REALLY cute that I got to the right. I love Kohl's...they have such cute stuff there... a lot of dresses and really cute casual clothes. If you haven't checked it out yet, give it a try--it's AH-MAZING :D

Sunday, March 8, 2009

My Cellphone

Today, I'm going to share with all of you my....CELL PHONE! Don't get too excited,'s not that great...but when I first got it last summer I thought it was the best pink device to fall into my hands. It's a Sony Ericsson Walkman and mine's in pink even though the picture I put up of it is white...I kind of like the white one better, though. =) I don't really like it anymore even though the price of it SKYROCKETED since I bought mine...I guess it's starting to get semi-popular. I don't like it because I hate having to texting on keyboards like this. I want one with a full keyboard. My friend has an LG Envy and I really like hers but I can't get it since she has Verizon and we have AT&T. OH WELL! But yeah, that's my cell phone for you.

Friday, March 6, 2009

My Story

Well...if you don't know, I wrote a story...I guess you could call it a story since it's not really a's about 150 pages long or something. Yeah, there's no way in living flip it's EVER going to get published since i'm only 14...but I thought it would be fun to write something since I love to read...AAAND i'm finally going to tell you about it.

It's called Hit and Run and it's about two kids who get into a car accident. They hit something on the side of the road and think it's just an animal but it turns out to be a human. Soon, one of the main characters who was in the car when it happend, realized it's her step-sister. The victim ends up dying, and the two main characters realize what they've done. Then they have to decide what choices they're going to make.... *DUN DUN DUNN!!! * lol

WELLL that's it...I think I did a pretty good job on it...but whatever :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Excellent Love Stories

Well a good cousin of mine was asking me the other day what a few of my favorite love stories are. SOOO...I didn't have a good answer for her then, but now I have a few i'd like to share with you :). All of these options are MY opinion and I think that they're really good. So without further ado, let's get started...if you're interested in any of the following books, leave a comment and i'll do a post just on that book.

1.) Someone Like You: By-Sarah Dessen. (This book is really, really good. I really like how it's written. Not only is this a love story, but it's also a good story on friendship. I strongly suggest this book).

2. The Book of Luke: By- Jenny O'Connel. (This book is about a group of girls who make a book for guys that tell them how to act around girls. The main character of the story tries it out on Luke, and they end up falling in love. Lol).

3. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. (Of course you probably know about this book/movie. They're awesome...made me cry)

4. TWILIGHT!!! Of course, you all know. =)

5. I Heart you, you Haunt me. (I haven't read this yet, but it really looks good. It's a love story between human girl and ghost boy, because the girl's boyfriend is dead)

6. Romeo and Juliet- (Haha, the ultimate love story. We just finished reading this in english and I LOVED it<3)

7. Lost It-(This is another good love MIGHT wanna wait till your at least 12 to read this, but it's still very good.)

8. Teach Me- (Another good love story that you might wanna wait till your a little older to read. It's about an affair between a teacher and a student)

9. Bloom- (I read this a while back, but it's still really good)

10. Honey, Baby, Sweetheart- (This book is really really good. It's a love story between a good girl and a rebel-kind-of guy. It's also very sad, too. It's also between the growing relationship between the main character and her family.)

11. Thwonk-(teehee, this is a comedy love story. I got it around valentines day so it really made sence. It's about a girl who meets Cupid and she gets him to THWONK the guy she likes :). Things end up getting complicated, however...)

Well I hope these helped you a lot if you're interested in romance novels. All of these are excellent choices, and if you want more info on one, comment me and i'll do a post on it.